Spiritual Battle Plan


It is important to understand that nothing man can do can merit his own salvation. Justification has been merited for us by the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ alone.  It is a gift, and as with any gift, it is free.  Further, as with any gift, it must be accepted.
The suggestions here are practical ways that Christ, through His Church and His saints, has given to help us in our call to holiness: "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" Matthew 5:48. The way of perfection passes by way of the Cross. There is no holiness without renunciation of the world and daily spiritual battle. Spiritual progress requires daily practice and a rule, or regula, to live out each day.
The guidelines in this regula are practices that would be familiar to thousands of years of saints, living out their Christian vocation with heroic virtue. They will keep you moving ever closer to God and His sanctifying grace.  Remember, habit is overcome by habit.  

1. One end. One desire.  The Kingdom of God.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).  All things given to us in this life must be understood as a means to an end. Desire is about something that we do not have, therefore never stop seeking. Our one end is heaven, make sure all you do leads to that end.

2. Two formal prayers each day (morning/evening).  

Formal prayer can be as simple as the Morning and Evening Offering.  The Divine Office is the Church's official set of daily prayers.  Lauds in the morning and Vespers in the evening are great ways to book end each day.  

3. Three Hail Marys each day for purity

The Mother of our Lord will always have favor with her Son.  We should always seek her help and heed her requests.  Sins against the 6th and 9th Commandment are often the hardest to overcome.  Pray for help each day.

M. Meditation on God's gifts and the four last things.

Meditation or mental prayer to reflect on what God has given to you and on the four last things should be a part of each day.  A goal of 15 minutes is achievable for even the busiest of souls.  30 minutes or more should be the ultimate goal.  Use the Holy Bible and spiritual writings to gain a vocabulary to use in prayer and elevate your mind to supernatural things. Finally, it can not be overstated, how much more productive meditation is when done in front of the Blessed Sacrament. 

R. Rosary. Pray it every day.

The Rosary has always been a weapon against heresy and trouble.  Our Lady has asked us to pray it daily.  Listen to your Mother. (John 19:27)

E. Examination of Conscience each day.

You will never fix a fault, vice or neglect unless you are aware of it. God's providence will allow us to fail in areas that he especially wants us to grow in virtue.  We must be honest and know when we fail.  Consider the progress you have made and the ground that you have lost.

B. Brown Scapular- Wear it.

"Whosoever dies wearing this scapular  shall not suffer eternal fire." -words of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Simon Stock

P. Penance- Small acts of self-denial or mortification

"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me" (Matthew 16:24). Fasting. Placing a pebble in your shoe. Refusing yourself salt. Skipping dessert. Meatless Friday. Practicing small forms of self denial will prepare us for times of great temptation.

S. Sacraments- Frequent Confession and Holy Communion.

The 7 Sacraments are the means of our sanctification. Each one established by Jesus Christ to be an outward sign of an inner grace.